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Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency LWV-Wake is a proud member of the NC Center for Nonprofits 

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Date: 5/19/2024
Subject: Notice of Annual Meeting - Reports/Electronic Ballot Link
From: League of Women Voters of Wake County

Annual Meeting Materials

Electronic Ballot

Dear ~~first_name~~,
Greetings from LWV-Wake.
This email serves as a required notice of our 2024-2025 annual meeting and distribution of voting materials to all active members, per our by-laws. 
We continue to use electronic voting rather than in-person voting to conduct annual meeting business. As an alternative for nominations from the floor during the annual meeting, we have provided a space for write-in candidates. Votes will be tallied, and results will be announced during the meeting, allowing all required official business to take place. 
Please review the materials and submit your electronic ballot by clicking on the image link below. Ballots must be submitted no later than noon on June 20, 2024. Ballots may only be submitted by members in good standing (dues paid), and each must have an email address on file.
Thank you for your participation. We sincerely appreciate your support for LWV of Wake County!
2024 Annual Meeting Materials & Vote
Should you have any questions regarding the 2024-2025 Annual Meeting materials, please feel free to reach out to or reply to this email. We look forward to seeing you at our Annual Meeting on June 20th.

The League of Women Voters of Wake County is a designated 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization by the IRS. Donations and membership dues are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
2023 Seal of Transparency
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