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Date: 7/22/2024
Subject: LWV-Wake League Update July 22, 2024
From: League of Women Voters of Wake County

LWV-Wake Update 7/22/24 


Dear ~~first_name~~,


Greetings from LWV Wake.

We are exactly ONE month away from Women’s Equality Day (WED)!  This is our biggest event of the year, and we have invited all of the 83 elected women in Wake County for us to celebrate. From our U.S. Congressional Representative Deborah Ross and three elected mayors in Wake County to Cary Town Council members and many judges, these Women Power Democracy. 

August 22, 2024 is the date, and the All Faiths Chapel at Dorthea Dix Park is the placeSign up here.

Our guest Keynote Speaker this year is Dr. Sarah Glova, an NC State alumna, CEO and founder of Reify Media, and a founding member of the North Carolina Women Business Owners Hall of Fame.  

There are still some volunteer opportunities to assist with WED. We are looking for volunteers to be beverage providers, beverage services, food table managers, and name tag providers. You can Volunteer here. Please remember to sign in as a member to access volunteer opportunities.

Most importantly, we want to see all of our members there.

Remember, this is our main fundraising event of the year. You can help LWV Wake in this effort by not only getting a $75 ticket and showing up but also by purchasing a sponsorship. Sponsorship includes the purchase of tickets with extra funds as a contribution.  Each of the sponsorship levels includes 2 tickets – except for the Diamond Sponsorship which includes 6 tickets. Each sponsor will be recognized at the event. You can find sponsorship details here.

Funds raised at the Women’s Equality Day are for operating expenses, which are used to create and provide programs, communicate with members, and keep our organization compliant nonprofit regulations. Operating expenses are those which are not covered by grants, which are typically for specific programs. Operating expenses include:

  • Technology subscriptions - for financial reporting, to maintain websites, create and schedule social media posts, analytics, and Zoom, for example.
  • Office rent 
  • Office internet for board and committee meetings
  • GOTV activities
  • Communications part-time help
  • Intern stipends
  • Youth outreach materials (ex. Voter Girl Project, college visits)
  • Supplies (paper, printer ink, signs, banners, tabling)
  • Specialized contractor work (videographers, communications help, etc.)
  • Reserve funding for future part-time administrative help

Thank you all in advance for making this Women’s Equality Day a great success.

Helen Zimmerman


Women's Equality Day to Feature Dr. Sarah Glova

At this year's Women's Equality Day, we are excited to welcome Dr. Sarah Glova as our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Glova is a trailblazing entrepreneur and writer. Her articles reflect her depth of knowledge and ability to unearth and share stories of remarkable feats of resilience.

Her leadership extends beyond journalism. Dr. Glova was appointed to the City of Raleigh's Community Engagement Board. She also serves on the boards of the N.C. Women’s Business Owners Hall of Fame and National Speakers Association Carolinas Chapter.

Through her compassionate wisdom, Dr. Glova inspires us to make big leaps feel like small and achievable steps that will help uncover your potential.                 

Dianna Wynn Outlines LWV US Goals Under Her Leadership

Our very own Dianna Wynn is in the news AGAIN!!!  An interview with Dianna is featured in the recent edition of The Wake Weekly, where she discusses the LWV US goals.

LWV's short-term goals are making sure voters are correctly informed and ready for voting in November. She also emphasizes that LWV’s is a critical and popular tool for voters who want to stay informed.  Long-term goals ensure we make “democracy work for everyone [by] expanding access for voters."

Dianna also stressed that one of the major challenges voters face is the misinformation rampant in today’s political conversations. Read the full article here.

Volunteer Opportunities Available to Register Voters Ahead of Election
Throughout July and August, there are many opportunities for LWV Wake volunteers to register voters as we head into the Presidential election. Upcoming Voter Registration opportunities include events at Southern and Northern Wake Tech campuses, Advance Health fairs, and a Back-to-School Jamboree. Please sign up for a community event and encourage our neighbors to register to vote. See all volunteer opportunities by clicking the link below.

 Looking for information from a past newsletter? Previous League Updates can now be viewed on our website's home page. Look for the "League Updates" blue tab on the top menu.

Thank you for continuing to support the League of Women Voters of Wake County. 

Helen Zimmerman

The League of Women Voters of Wake County is a designated 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization by the IRS. Donations and membership dues are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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