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LWV-Wake Redistricting

What is LWV-Wake's Involvement?

Redistricting occurs after the census every 10 years. The next census will be in 2030. Expect LWV-Wake  to observe and take action as necessary at that time.

What is Gerrymandering?

Gerrymandering, the partisan drawing of voting maps, has always been a part of American politics. The term itself dates back to 1812 and incorporates the name of Elbridge Gerry, governor of Massachusetts, who signed a bill approving voting maps that favored his party. At the time, the Boston Gazette suggested that the contorted shape of one district resembled a salamander. Thus, we now use the term gerrymander to refer to voting districts specifically created to advantage one political party over another.

Why is Impartial Redistricting Important?

The way that district boundaries are drawn can determine or strongly influence who gets elected. Fair redistricting helps to ensure that our legislative bodies reflect our changing population and that each citizen’s vote counts equally. Fair districts can lead to:
  • More accountability to constituents because fewer seats are “safe” for members of one party.
  • More time and money spent addressing real legislative priorities, rather than litigating court challenges and redrawing maps that courts found to be gerrymandered.
  • More respect for communities of interest. Maintaining communities of interest ensures their ability to lobby effectively for those interests.
  • More voters who feel that their votes matter.


Click on an image to watch one of our webinars to learn more about redistricting in North Carolina.


This discussion toolkit is an extensive guide for facilitators leading a book discussion on David Daley's excellent book on redistricting, Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy.

In addition to the complete toolkit, we have made both black and white and color versions available of the one-page handout of questions for book discussion participants. Click here for a color version of the handout. Click here for a black and white version (recommended if you need to be cost-conscious when reproducing handouts).