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HomeWomen's Rights

LWV-Wake Women's Rights Committee

What We Do

This committee works on a range of issues impacting women's rights including, but not limited to, reproductive choice, the Equal Rights Amendment, child care, employment opportunity equality, and menstrual equity. Committee members investigate North Carolina laws to determine where improvements can be made and where new laws are needed.

For more information or to join this committee, contact Kristen Howard ( and Terri Ring (

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Reproductive Rights

The Goal


The League believes that public policy must affirm the right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices and that every US resident should have access to a basic level of quality health care at an affordable cost. Without the ability to make reproductive decisions for one's own body, women and those who can become pregnant cannot participate equitably in our democracy. Reproductive care is essential health care and a fundamental right.

Equal Rights Amendment

The Goal

"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."


The League position is to support the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and efforts to bring laws into compliance with the goals of the ERA. We support equal rights for all under state and federal law regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

Here in Wake County:

  • We have written letters to thank federal representatives that have submitted bills to recognize the ERA.
  • We support the acceptance of ERA in North Carolina.
  • We support the bills submitted by our state representatives to do so.
  • We encourage legislators each session to address this concern and
  • We want the US President to take action on recognizing the ratification of the ERA.


Read "The ERA: An Overview"

Read "The ERA: Why We Need It"

Read "The ERA: Debunking Myths"

Read "The ERA: What You Can Do"`



Child Care

The Goals


Women in the workplace shall have access to affordable quality child care and paid family leave, will have recourse to discrimination against pregnancy and sexual harassment, and have progress in eliminating the gender pay gap and the gap in labor force participation.


The League supports programs, services and policies at all levels of government to expand the supply of affordable, quality child care for all who need it to increase access to employment and to prevent and reduce poverty.


Here in Wake County:


  • We partner with organizations that promote the availability of quality day care to all North Carolina families, regardless of socioeconomic status, through adequate state and federal standards, financial assistance, and monitoring the enforcement of those standards.
  • We let legislators know this is a priority issue for all families.
  • There is an immediate concern as funding for child care centers has been decreasing. Unless there is additional funding from the state, centers will be reducing the number of families they can serve, and some centers will be closing altogether.


 Read: "Issue History - Child Care"


Employment Opportunity Equality

The Goals

Women in the workplace shall have access to affordable quality childcare and paid family leave, will have recourse to discrimination against pregnancy and sexual harassment, and have progress in eliminating the gender pay gap and the gap in labor force participation.



Through legislative and regulatory approaches, as well as litigation, the League advocates affirmative action programs for minorities and women. Action has included a lawsuit to compel the US Department of Labor to issue goals and timetables and governing the employment of women in nontraditional jobs and apprenticeship programs and prodding to ensure enforcement. The League has supported measures to combat employment discrimination in Congress itself.


The United States is the only developed nation in the world and one of only seven countries globally with no national paid leave policy.


Here in Wake County:

  • We partner with organizations that support these rights.
  • Participate in educational events and
  • Advocate for these rights in North Carolina.

Fact Sheets Coming Soon




Menstrual Equity

The Goal


Menstrual Equity is part of the broader discussion of reproductive health education, including a woman's right to make reproductive health choices. Menstrual equity's goal is to increase equal access to menstrual hygiene products and menstrual health education, which both removes barriers to care and reduces stigma surrounding it.


Here in Wake County we work to:

  • Increase awareness about the issues of menstruating individuals struggling to afford period products and the negative impacts that has on academic achievement and the workplace.
  • Support local legislation to improve access to menstrual products. Examples of such legislation include grants for public schools to purchase period products and exemption of the state sales tax for menstrual products.
  • Collaborate with local organizations with similar missions to increase awareness and provide needed menstrual supplies.

Read "The Issue of Menstrual Equity"