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These are the committees defined within League of Women Voters of Wake County. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Affordable Housing
The Affordable Housing Committee encourages local government to support affordable housing options that meet the needs of an economically diverse community in Wake County. For more information or to join this committee, contact Co-Chair Liz Simon or Co-Chair Robin Hammond
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is elected by the membership and is responsible for the operation of LWV-Wake.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee works with the Treasurer to ensure the fiscal stability of LWV-Wake. Committee members review financial statements, evaluate expenses, and develop an annual budget. For more information or to join this committee, contact LWV-Wake Treasurer Sandra Birckhead.
By-Laws Committee
This committee reviews LWV-Wake’s bylaws and makes recommendations to the Board for any needed revisions. Any changes to the bylaws are voted on by the membership at the annual meeting in May. Members of the Bylaws Committee are appointed by the Board. Committee members are appointed by the President and/or Board.
The Communications Committee works with the Communications Director to promote LWV-Wake events, maintain the website, post to LWV-Wake’s social media feeds, manage a blog, produce the Annual Report, and increase LWV-Wake’s visibility in the community. For more information or to join this committee, contact Breanna Benz-Santos.
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Development Committee
The Development Committee is tasked with raising funds for the League. This includes our annual Women's Equality Day and our end of year Giving Tuesday fundraiser. We also work to secure grants for our League for specific projets. If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Cheryl Tung.
Education Committee
This group explores issues related to the quality of public education in our community. For more information, contact Education Committee Chair Kathy Thompson.
Environment Committee
The Environment Committee focuses on environmental issues impacting Wake County. Committee members explore issues related to water quality, sustainability, transit, and open space. For more information or to join this committee, contact Eve Vitaglione or Jackie Giordano.
Girl Scout Outreach Committee
Girl Scouts emphasis on civics education and civic engagement began in 1918 with the first Civics Badge and in 1920 with a Citizens Badge. Patch Program.” This committee is currently planning the Voter Girl Event in conjunction with NC Coastal Pines Girl Scout Council.
Healthcare Committee
The Healthcare Committee addresses a variety of issues related to quality and accessible healthcare for North Carolinians. For more information or to join this committee contact Retta Riordan or Mary Ellen Anderson.
Book Discussion Group
Meets in the League office or via Zoom. Any League member may attend. Selected readings enrich members' knowledge and enjoyment of American culture, politics, and history. All events are posted on our events page. For more information, contact Terri Ring.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee promotes the recruitment and retention of League members. It manages membership databases, organizes League 101 sessions, and hosts new member orientation events. For more information or to join this committee, contact Celeste Stanley or Judee Lonnee.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee identifies nominees for election and appointment to the LWV-Wake Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee chairs are elected at the Annual Meeting. For more information, contact Cheryl Tung.
Redistricting Reform Committee
The Redistricting Reform Committee works to end the gerrymandering of voting districts in North Carolina. Committee members engage in ongoing research, participate in advocacy, and educate the community on the importance of redistricting reform for fair voting maps. This committee is currently inactive.
Timely Topics Committee
The Timely Topics Committee organizes several lunch and lecture events each year featuring experts speaking on important issues. Committee members select event venues, make arrangements for featured speakers, and attend to all the necessary details for planning and sponsoring a speakers’ series. For more information or to join this committee, contact Dale Cousins.
Voter Services Committee
Members of this committee work on GOTV projects, monitor local BOE meetings, educate the community about elections, register new citizens to vote at USCIS naturalization ceremonies, as well as help register voters at various community events. For more information or to join this committee, contact Co-Chairs Johanne Christensen, Helen Zimmerman and Marian Lewin.
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Women's Equality Day (WED)
The League's major fundraising event recognizing women's right to vote and honoring all women elected officials of Wake County. Committee members and Co-Chairs needed. Contact Cheryl Tung if interested.
Women’s Rights Committee
This committee works on a range of issues impacting women rights including, but not limited to, the gender pay gap, violence against women, reproductive rights, paid family leave, and affordable childcare. Committee members investigate North Carolina laws to determine where improvements can be made and where new laws are needed. A core project of the committee is advocating for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. For more information or to join this committee, contact Co-Chairs, Kristen Howard or Terri Ring.
Committee Co-Chairs (League Leaders)
This group meets quarterly to share information, develop best practices, and to identify projects and activities where individual committees might share resources and direction. For information, contact Sandra Birckhead.